If At First You Don’t Succeed, Tie Again…
Why Wear A Tie And How To Tie A Tie Video
ASK most high school students if they can do the Shelby, the Four-in-Hand, the Windsor and Half-Windsor and you can expect blank looks. They’re not dance crazes or downloadable games, but they are a skill that’s becoming a vital part of a student’s school life once more.
Ties – and the four main ways of tying them – are making a comeback with the growing trend towards smart blazer and tie-based uniforms.
The drive towards a smart, formal uniform is back in fashion, especially among new Academies who want to ring the changes for students and make a positive impact in the community. The tie and blazer combination makes a huge difference to the way students feel. Often young people are reluctant at first but they change their view when they try them. They tell us that they look and feel more business-like, take more pride in their appearance and often it improves their self-confidence and approach to learning.
To watch our video about ties (aimed at pupils), click here.
Business Style Uniform
One school which has embraced the smart school look is Manchester Enterprise Academy – one of the top 100 most-improved schools in England. Students have welcomed the new business-like uniform with pride and are now getting to grips with the art of tying a tie – recognising it as a great life-skill which will stand them in good stead. And such is their enthusiasm for the new style uniform that they have worked with us in a new ‘Why wear a tie and how to tie a tie’ video to share their new-found skills with other young people. The video sees Year 10 students teaching youngsters how to tie the most commonly used school knot – the four-in-hand.
As adults, we know that what we wear impacts on our approach to work and schools are no different. Feedback from schools that switch to the blazer and tie option is invariably that it’s had a positive impact on students’ attitudes to learning and gives them pride in representing their school. Also, there is a common misconception that blazers and ties are more expensive than sweatshirts and polo shirts, but that’s not the case as blazers are far more robust and hard-wearing and can last well into the five year high-school duration.
Please watch our video below about ties and how to tie one. You might also like to forward it to a friend or child.
Tags: how to tie a tie, school ties, school uniform, tie, ties
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