It greatly helps the identity of the school and your child's sense of belonging and pride of everyone wears school uniform. The school colours are navy/grey, with red sweatshirt and/or knitwear (embroidered with the school logo). Most items are available from any school uniform shop or major clothing retailer. School sweatshirts, PE shirts, PE bags, book bags and sun hats featuring the school logo are available from the school. Children are not allowed to wear clothing with a logo other than the school logo. Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly marked with you child's name.
Navy skirt or pinafore or navy or grey trousers
White blouse or shirt
Red sweatshirt embroidered with the school crest, red jumper or cardigan
Grey, red, navy or white socks or tights
Navy joggng bottoms may be worn in cold weather
Blue or red checked dress or navy or grey shorts
Red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
Short sleeved white shirt
School sun hat
as winter uniform.
As children only bring their lunch box and reading bag to school daily, they do not require a backpack or any additional bags, due to storage limitations.
These should be sensible and safe. For this reason children should not wear shoes with any exaggerated styles or heels, sling backs or open toes.
Weekly P.E. sessions are held either at the school or Crowle Parish Hall and playing fields.
Navy blue shorts
Red T-shirt with school logo obtainable from school
Pair of pumps
A tracksuit or jogging bottoms and a pair of trainers (yrs 1-4) may be worn for outside P.E. modules
A P.E. bag that can be left on your child's peg is available from the school office.
During the year children go swimming to Pershore Leisure Centre. Children need a swimsuit and towel in a plastic type bag.
On a swimming day navy jogging bottoms may be worn with school sweatshirt.
If you wish your child to wear goggles a safe choice of goggles must be used, please check for the british Standard for manufacturers before purchasing.
Please also sign the letter of consent for your child to wear goggles.
You do not need to provide an overall to keep school clothes clean, as these are available at school.
Because of the safety hazards children are not allowed to wear any items of jewellery to school other than watches (which should be clearly labelled). For children with pierced ears only studs may be worn. For safety reasons the child should not wear sunglasses. Mobile phones/hand held games are not permitted in school.
Long hair (i.e. hair long enough to be tied back) should always be tied back while your child is at school. This is for safety reasons as well as hygiene. When purchasing hair accessories please consider safety.
ARE CLEARLY LABELLED including footwear and wellingtons.