Welcome to the web pages for ordering our school uniform. You can purchase items in confidence knowing that the uniform has been carefully selected by your school PTA. Purchasing items from ‘Your School Uniform’ means that you can be reassured of receiving good quality, hardwearing uniform at prices that represent value for money.
We take great pride in our school so thank you for your support in maintaining our high standards of dress.
Dear Parents
School Uniform
We have an official uniform with the
new school logo provided online at theyourschooluniform.com.
Navy blue cardigan/sweatshirt/pullover (new logo available or can be
ones without logo).
White polo shirt (can be logo or plain)
Navy blue skirt/ pinafore dress/ trousers/culottes
Navy blue tights/ white socks
Blue and white checked summer dresses (navy preferred)
Navy shorts for the summer if desired- sensible length
Black or navy school shoes – ( not trainers )
In the cold winter months, leather boots can be worn but they must be
black/ blue
In the summer, sensible sandals can be worn over socks but no bare feet
and sandals should be white or navy
Navy Blue sweatshirt/pullover/cardigan (new logo available or can be
ones without logo)
White or navy blue polo shirt (can be logo or plain) (No other colour
blue, please)
Dark Grey Trousers
Dark Grey long shorts for the summer
Navy, or grey socks
Black or navy school shoes ( not trainers )
In the cold winter months, leather boots can be worn but they must be
black/ blue
In the summer, sensible sandals can be worn over socks but no bare feet
and sandals should be white or navy
Navy shorts or skorts
House colour t-shirt only ( for hygiene reasons the white class polo
shirt must not be worn )
Daps/ trainers of your choice
For health and safety and hygiene reasons, we would advise that longer
hair is tied back.
Change of socks (if child wears tights to school)
PE bag – with a drawstring so that it may hang on a peg
Long navy tracksuit bottoms/jogging trousers may be worn when we take
the children swimming and for outdoor games
Children need a bathing costume or swimming trunks (not Bermuda or board
shorts), a towel and bathing hat for long hair. Also drawstring bag so that it
may hang on a peg
A watch can be worn
Small stud earrings are acceptable
Medical bracelets/necklaces can of course be worn
No other jewellery should be worn for safety reasons. All jewellery will
be removed during PE. If an item has to be worn for religious considerations it
should be taped over for safety reasons during P.E.
All items and personal possessions including, watches and jewellery are
the sole responsibility of the individual child. The school is not responsible
for loss or damage of any items
Navy sun hats for summer months with logo or without. Navy non-logo
safari hats are available from the office at £4.25 each
Navy blue book bags. With logo or withoutChildren should also have a
shirt or overall to protect their clothes when painting or doing craftwork
For health and safety and hygiene reasons, we would advise that longer
hair is tied back
Other items can be found on yourschooluniform
You can also get non-logo uniform
from many high street stores and super markets. With this in mind we ask that
parents adhere to the colour and format above and to wear sensible clothing and
We suggest they put their PE kit into
a drawstring bag and it is kept at school during the week and taken home to be washed
regularly at either a weekend or half term. Please make sure that all footwear
and clothing, especially sweatshirts, are clearly marked with your child’s
We greatly appreciate our
parents/carers cooperation and support in ensuring that children are always
correctly dressed for school and all activities, including P.E. and games and
in encouraging them to take a pride in their appearance.
Thank you for supporting us as we
make Team AK even smarter.